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Audio-Visual Entrainment

Proven by Science

Brain-Based audio-visual solutions scientifically designed to change brain states in the moment, customized for your applications.

How It Works

Timing is Everything


Synchronizing visual patterns with entrainment audio creates a more immersive experience by stimulating and synchronizing the brain's visual and auditory cortices.


This multi-sensory approach enhances the entrainment effects leading to faster results, as the brain is more fully engaged in the experience.


The entrainment audio and visuals, can be personalized to be even more effective, and measured in real-time.


Videos produced with synchronized audio and video entrainment become a comfortable, engaging, anchor to adopt new daily micro habits and supercharge the success of wellness apps and programs.

Stacked Entrainment

“Stacked Entrainment”, is synchronizing sound and dynamic imagery, this approach enhances the effects of entrainment on physiological responses like heart rate, breath rate, and brain waves.

Hyper-Personalized Possibilities

With a short assessment, and user preferences we can hyper-personalize the pace, and textures of the entrainment visual and audio, making it more effective, more engaging and more likely to be adopted.

Brain-Based Micro Habit Journey

When the Stacked Entrainment is personalized and wrapped in a behavior changing 30 day Challenge framework designed from insights from the world's largest brain database, Habit stacking and behavior change efficacy rises to a new level

Real-Time Biometric Testing

Measure it to Manage it. 

Real-time HRV, EEG, allow optics in the moment for biofeedback and tracking over time to help user get immediate and longterm results.

Our Transformative Purpose

We make Health-Span habits easier to adopt by creating science backed apps and courses that gamify wellness and make it immersive and fun. 

Our Moonshot

Become the trusted source for entrainment-based experiences for health-span and license wellness solutions to major healthcare providers to positively impact 10 Million lives by 2027.

Validated by Science

Research Data on Entrainment

Under Construction

Global Clinical Studies

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Case History

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